Manager’s Messages

Kitchen Sink Riser Jetting

ProTec Plumbing will be onsite to perform the kitchen sink riser cleaning on

Monday, September 9th through Tuesday, September 17th. This service will help prevent plumbing backups in your kitchen sink and assist with slowing the deterioration of common area pipes.

We will need access to all units in the building for this work.  Please see the schedule below for the day you need to provide access to your unit.  Access must be granted for your entire scheduled day, from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. We cannot reschedule this cleaning. Please arrange to have a friend, family member or neighbor present for your time slot if you cannot be home. If no one can be at your home during your scheduled time, you may alternatively leave a key with the Building Engineer, Cristian, prior to your schedule date. Email Adrienne at to provide permission for Cristian and the plumbers from ProTec Plumbing to enter your unit for the service. Failure to either have someone at your unit to allow entry to the plumbers or leave a key with Cristian to gain entry will result in rescheduling your stack, which will inconvenience your neighbors and may result in charges to the Owner.

Kitchen Sink Riser Cleaning Schedule

Monday, Sept. 9, 2024 101, 201, 301, 401 102, 202, 302, 402 103, 203, 303, 403 104, 204, 304, 404Monday, Sept. 16, 2024 120, 220, 320, 420 121, 221, 321, 421 122, 222, 322, 422 123, 223, 323, 423
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 105, 205, 305, 405 106, 206, 306, 406 107, 207, 307, 407 108, 208, 308, 408Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024 124, 224, 324, 424 125, 225, 325, 425 226, 326, 426
Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024 109, 209, 309, 409 110, 210, 310, 410 111, 211, 311, 411
Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024 112, 212, 312, 412 113, 213, 313, 413 114, 214, 314, 414 115, 215, 315, 415 
Friday, Sept. 13, 2024 116, 216, 316, 416 117, 217, 317, 417 118, 218, 318, 418 119, 219, 319, 419 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this project. Please contact Management should you have any questions.

Request for Candidates

The Annual Meeting of the Membership for your Association will be held in July 2024 for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors.  You will receive an official meeting notice specifying the actual date, time and location.

At this time we are requesting candidates for the Board of Directors.  The Board consists of five (5) members who are elected by the membership.  At this time there are two (2) positions up for election, each for a two (2) year term.  The elected Board members will then meet and appoint officers, therefore, candidates will run for a position on the Board only, and not a particular office.

Qualifications to run for the Board of Directors: 

  1. Must be an Owner.

The Board of Directors meets in the evening every month to conduct the business of the Association.  The meetings can last 2-3 hours.  There may be other business to be handled between meetings that may require a Special Meeting of the Board, which could mean additional time commitments.

If you are interested in running for the Board, please contact Management by emailing, for a Candidate Statement Form. CANDIDATE STATEMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 5:00 PM, MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024, IN ORDER TO BE INCLUDED ON THE BALLOT.

Thank you for taking an active, positive interest in your community!

Quarter One Newsletter


Are you interested in maintaining Columbia Place’s festivities and communal gatherings with your neighbors? If so, the Social Committee needs you! The Committee is currently without a Chair and is in need of a homeowner to step in to avoid the committee being disbanded. If you are interested in serving and helping your community, please contact Management at for further information or to submit your interest in writing. All interested parties will be reviewed at an upcoming Board meeting.


Cristian Ochoa has officially settled into the role as building engineer for the association. His days are filled with continuing to oversee vendors onsite, maintaining important property components, and working towards completing various large scale community projects. He can be reached via phone at 619.913.9022 and is onsite Monday through Friday from 7am-3:30pm, unless otherwise noted. Welcome Cristian!


At the February 2024 Board meeting, the Board approved a proposal submitted by Pacific Green Landscape to replace five (5) palms in the exterior planter in the courtyard. The palms did not survive the waterproofing project. Once the replacement has been completed, the landscape lighting in this area will be reconnected and the project formally wrapped.


In light of recent reports about missing packages, residents are reminded to pick up any packages delivered as soon as possible. This helps avoid any unwanted attention to the building for potential thefts. Please also ensure that you do not allow any unknown individuals to follow you through the pedestrian gates or vehicle entry gate. If you have food deliveries, please meet the delivery personnel at the gates rather than buzzing them in, giving full access to the community. If you misplace your key fob, please contact Cristian as soon as possible so he can deactivate the fob assigned to you. The Board suggests residents consider installing Ring cameras, or similar, at the front door of individual units to act as a deterrent to any theft. If installed, please make sure that cameras are placed on the entry door – not the stucco exterior of the building. If you see anything suspicious, please report it to SDPD and let Management know of the incident after reporting to law enforcement. Thank you for keeping Columbia Place secure!


As the balcony project comes to an end, Cristian will be working on compiling a schedule for all exterior painting needed on each unit’s balcony included in the project. This will take some time, so your patience is appreciated. Cristian will contact you directly should he need access to your unit to complete the painting.


With water rates increasing, residents are reminded to be proactive with conserving water. Reduction in water use helps keep operating costs down. Easy ways you can do your part with conserving water can be as simple as reducing shower times and waiting until you have a full load for washers and dishwashers. Residents may also install a low flow shower head, install a low flow toilet, and ensure that any potential in-unit water leaks are efficiently repaired. Your conservation efforts are appreciated!


As of late January, there is a vacancy on the Board of Directors. The seat’s term expires in June 2025. If you are interested in learning more about serving on the Board or are interested in being appointed, please contact Management for additional information. Your interest will be presented to the Board at an upcoming meeting.

Board Positions

At the meeting held on August 29, 2023 the Board appointed Joe DeMartino to the vacant seat on the Board.

Additionally, the Board chose seats for a term ending June 2024:

President- Boris Ilic

Vice President – Jack Carmody

Secretary – Paula Bookout

Treasurer – Greg George

Director – VACANT


Notice of Garage Clearing for Cast Iron Repairs


Columbia Place Resident,

This notice is to inform all residents that the garage will have some much-needed cast iron repairs done, which will require the garage to be cleared of all vehicles, allowing room for the plumbers to work. Please note the schedule below:

·        Wednesday, August 30thEast Side of Garage (State Street)

·        Wednesday, August 31stWest Side of Garage (Columbia Street)


We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Please contact Management if you have any questions at

Catie Contreras, CMCA, AMS, CCAM

Action Property Management

Notice of Fire Sprinkler Repairs

Notice of Mandatory Fire Sprinkler Repairs 8/14/2023 – 8/25/2023

Attention Homeowner/Resident:

As you may be aware, Western Fire recently completed a thorough inspection of all units in the building. They noted any and all units that need sprinkler repairs. On Monday August 14th – Friday August 25th Western Fire Protection, Inc. will be onsite to make necessary repairs to the sprinkler system.

On the day of the inspection, all residents/owners need to make plans to provide access to their unit as noted in the time schedule listed below. If you wish to provide permission for Eddie to gain entry to your unit and if a key is on file with the Association, you may email me at with permission to enter.

Units 401 – 409Repairs on 8/14/2023
Units 410 – 424Repairs on 8/15/2023
3rd floor hallway – Unit 305Repairs on 8/16/2023
Units 307 – 325Repairs on 8/17/2023
Common areas – Units 208Repairs on 8/18/2023
Units 209 – 224Repairs on 8/21/2023
1st floor hallway – units 102Repairs on 8/22/2023
Units 105 – 124Repairs on 8/23/2023
Parking GarageRepairs on 8/24/2023
Any missed units or overflow neededRepairs on 8/25/2023

A typical repair will normally take no more than 20 minutes per fire sprinkler head.  PLEASE make sure that you have all items removed from around the fire sprinklers, as nothing should be placed near the unit, so that it can function as required.

The Board appreciates your cooperation in assisting to ensure the proper functioning of the safety equipment in the building. Although this process can pose an inconvenience, it not only fulfills our legal obligation to have the building certified but also ensures the safety of all who live in our community.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Catie Contreras, CMCA, AMS, CCAM

Action Property Management

Board Election and Vacancy Notice

Due to lack of quorum despite multiple attempts to obtain quorum, the annual meeting was called and the incumbent directors (Paula Bookout, Jack Carmody and Ed Deaton) will serve an additional two-year term. However, Ed Deaton recently resigned from his position creating a vacancy on the Board for a two-year term.

If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors, please email me at with the following information for Board consideration by Friday, August 25th:

  1. Name and Unit Number
  2. Goals and Objectives for the Board
  3. Community Association Experience
  4. State why you would like to be appointed to the Board

Notice of Balcony and Wood Replacement Project

The Board of Directors has contracted with MC Contracting to perform repairs to several balconies in the community as well as framing repairs and door replacement. The project is set to begin on Monday, July 24th and is expected to last about 5 weeks. The scope of work was developed by Cornerstone Managing Partners and MC Contracting. The complexity of the work will vary by unit.

The attached project schedule, which is also posted in the garage bulletin boards, will be followed as best as possible. This does not take into account delays due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

For those units that will have work done to their balcony or patio doors, please adhere to the following items;

  • Working hours are 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
  • Access to your unit must be provided for the duration on the work to your unit.
  • Please remove ALL items from your balcony at least 24 hours prior to work commencing.
  • MC Contracting will lay down floor protection in your home and will use due care when moving in and out of your unit.
  • Please take measures to keep your pets clear from work areas and ensure they are not able to get out while contractors are exiting your unit.

If you are unavailable during your scheduled work time, you may provide permission to Management for Eddie and MC Contracting to enter your unit. Your unit will be locked and the key returned to Eddie at the end of each day.

FOR ALL RESIDENTS: There will be construction noise during this time and it may affect your daily routine. Please take note and adjust accordingly.

Please contact me should you have any questions –

We thank you for your anticipated cooperation on this much-needed project!

Notice of 4th Floor Resealing

Columbia Place has contracted with Medrano Flooring to re-seal the 4th floor walkway. The work will begin on Tuesday, July 11th and conclude on Monday, July 17th. Please note the map below for the impacts to your specific Unit.

The project will begin with power washing. Please be careful when walking on the deck if it is wet. During the work, besides the power washing, the walkway will be inaccessible from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm due to the product needing to completely dry. All items in front of your door, including plants, welcome mats and decorations, must be removed prior to work commencing in your area.


July 11th and 12th – Power washing

July 12th and 13th – Section A (Units 420-426)

July 13th – Section B (Units 414-419)

July 14th – Section C (Units 401-404)

July 17th – Section E (Units 405-413)

Ballots Needed

The Association is currently attempting to obtain quorum for the upcoming election. If you have not turned in your ballot please contact Management for a replacement!

Older Entries »


655 Columbia Street/620 State Street
San Diego, CA 92101

Management Team

Community Manager
Hugo Munoz |

Manager Assistant
Alicia Borja |

Building Engineer
Eddie Arreguin | Onsite Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202