March 2020 Newsletter

Posted By on March 13, 2020

March 2020 Board of Directors Meeting

The March 2020 Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Monday, March 23, 2020 in the gym at 6:00pm.

New Moving Coordinators

The Board has contracted with IMMC Co Moving Coordinators to facilitate moves at Columbia Place effective March 16, 2020.  Management will update the move forms with IMMCCO’s information.

Candidate Solicitation

The Candidate Solicitation form was emailed and mailed out to Owners for the upcoming Annual Election for the Board of Directors.  If you are interested in serving on the Board, please fill out the questionnaire and return to Management Assistant at

Pedestrian Gates and Main Entrance Gates

The Board of Directors contracted with A Garage Door & Gate Store to replace the four pedestrian gates leading into the garage.  A Garage Door & Gate Store is in the middle of the project and hopes to have the project complete by Tuesday, March 17, 2020.  Management and the Board are working with A Garage Door & Gate Store to ensure these gates are properly secured during the project.  With regards to the main entrance gates Management will be contacting architects to find a company who can provide a drawing for the gates for the Board to review. 

Spa Heater

It has been brought to Management’s attention that recently the spa heater had been turned off.  Management reached out to Hasley Pool Service to address this issue and reset the timer pump and motor as well as check the heater coils and ignition switch.

Pets (OTOI Form)

If you have an animal in the Community and have not registered it with Management, please fill out the OTOI form and the Pet Registration form that can be found on your Resident Portal.  Owners must obtain this information from their renters.  It is imperative Management has this information, as this is a requirement by the CC&Rs.  Please submit your form to prevent a violation.

Shopping Carts

The Association has shopping carts located in the garage near the elevator for the resident’s convenience, when a resident is finished with the shopping cart please return the cart to the garage near the elevator.

Proper Use of Garbage Disposals

The use of a garbage disposal in a stacked units is much different than a single-story home.  Please throw away your food into the garbage.  By putting foods down the disposal (rice, pastas, eggshells, etc.) the chance of a backup in your unit or the one below you increase resulting in costly damage paid by all owners via monthly assessments and can affect next year’s budget.

Clean & Safe – (619) 234-8900

Residents are encouraged to call Clean & Safe if they notice homeless loitering at Columbia Place.  Clean & Safe will ask the homeless to leave and provide them locations of shelters.  Additionally, if residents notice graffiti, broken glass, garbage on the sidewalks around the community on a day where Building Maintenance is not onsite, these things can also be reported to Clean & Safe.  You also can now submit suspicious activity online using the link

Emergency Situation Protocol (non-life threatening)

In any type of emergency situation, maintenance or non-life threatening, do NOT email – PLEASE CALL!  Action and Action After-Hours can be reached at (800) 400-2284.  If you are experiencing a water intrusion and have called it in, DO NOT LEAVE your unit even if it is a slow back up.  You may end up being responsible for damages due to negligence.  If there is anything that is life threatening, do not hesitate to call 9-1-1. 


655 Columbia Street/620 State Street
San Diego, CA 92101

Management Team

Community Manager
Hugo Munoz |

Manager Assistant
Mae Campbell |

Building Engineer
Eddie Arreguin | Onsite Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202