April 2019 Newsletter

Posted By on April 4, 2019

April 2019 Board of Directors Meeting

The April 2019 Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Monday, April 22, 2019 in the gym at 6:00pm.

Security Committee  

Columbia Place’s security committee member is Boris Ilic. If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to security or would like to volunteer to serve on the committee please contact borilic@hotmail.com.

Vacant Board Seat

There is currently a vacant seat on the Columbia Place Board of Directors.  If you are an Owner in good standing and would like to be considered for appointment, please contact Management at kthomson@actionlife.com with some information about yourself and why you would like to serve on the Columbia Place Board.

Avoid Costly Sink Backups

The disposal may grind it, but Columbia’s pipes cannot handle grease, scraps, cornhusks, egg shells, peels (apples, carrots, etc.), oils/butters, excessive soap, coffee grounds, or rice. Moreover, since condos are stacked, a drain issue in one condo likely impacts those above/below. Please remember – and ask cleaning staff to remember – to avoid the items listed to help keep Columbia’s drains flowing.

Race for Autism

Looking for something fun to do this weekend while supporting a great cause?  Race for Autism is taking place on Saturday, April 6 from 7:30am to 12pm at Balboa Park.

Window Repairs

Management has reached out to WinDor to find a Saturday that will work to meet at Columbia Place to discuss with residents who are in need of repairing or replacing their windows.  Once a date has been confirmed management will notify all residents.

Emergency Situation Protocol

In any type of emergency situation, maintenance or life threatening, do NOT email – PLEASE CALL!  Action and Action After-Hours can be reached at 949-450-0202.  If you are experiencing a water intrusion and have called it in, DO NOT LEAVE your unit even if it is a slow back up.  You may end up being responsible for damages due to negligence.  If there is anything that is life threatening, do not hesitate to call 9-1-1.

Recap from March Meeting

During the last board meeting the board discussed installing new plants in the spa area, replacing the current fire alarm panel with a more up to date one, the possibility of installing a virtual guard to assist with security in the complex, replacing the old rower in the gym with pre-owned one, and approved Pro Tech Paintings proposal to repair the stucco on the exterior of the building,  These minutes will be available to owners after the April meeting.


655 Columbia Street/620 State Street
San Diego, CA 92101

Management Team

Community Manager
Hugo Munoz |hmunoz@actionlife.com

Manager Assistant
Mae Campbell | mcampbell@actionlife.com

Building Engineer
Eddie Arreguin | Onsite Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202