August 2018 Newsletter

Posted By on August 29, 2018

August 2018 Board of Directors Meeting

The August 2018 Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Monday, August 20, 2018 in the gym following the annual meeting


The Annual Meeting will be reconvened on August 20, 2018 at 6:00pm in the gym.  In order for the Association to make quorum please make sure you have turned in your ballot. If you need a new ballot please contact Management.

Welcome Ben

Please all give Ben a warm welcome to the community as Columbia Place’s new engineer.

At the July Meeting

At the July Meeting, the earthquake insurance was renewed for the building and the security committee gave updates on their progress. The trellis will be replanted and Management is looking into proposals for new furniture for the spa area.

Entry into the Building

As a reminder, for the safety of all residents, DENY BUILDING ACCESS TO ANY UNKNOWN PERSON(S); WAIT UNTIL THE GATE CLOSES.

BBQ Charcoal

We know that everyone loves to barbeque in the summer but as a reminder, only portable electric barbeques are permitted and Owners are limited to one (1) per household. Portable propane gas and permanent barbeques and charcoal barbeques are not permitted.

Emergency Situation Protocol

In any type of emergency situation, maintenance or life threatening, do NOT email – PLEASE CALL!  Action and Action After-Hours can be reached at 949-450-0202.  If you are experiencing a water intrusion and have called it in, DO NOT LEAVE your unit even if it is a slow back up.  You may end up being responsible for damages due to negligence.  If there is anything that is life threatening, do not hesitate to call 9-1-1.

Clean & Safe – (619) 234-8900

Residents are encouraged to call Clean & Safe if they notice homeless loitering at Columbia Place.  Clean & Safe will ask the homeless to leave and provide them locations of shelters.  Additionally, if residents notice graffiti, broken glass, garbage on the sidewalks around the community on a day where Boiling Maintenance is not onsite, these things can also be reported to Clean & Safe.  This is an initiative by the City of San Diego that all downtown residents pay for via property taxes, take advantage of this to keep the area “clean and safe!”

Bike Audit

Management will be conducting a bike audit soon. Please remember that if you have your bike stored in the bike room there is an annual cost that can be automatically charged to your account and you must have your bike registered with Management. Inoperable and/or abandoned bikes may be removed at Management’s discretion. Please contact Management at with any questions.


655 Columbia Street/620 State Street
San Diego, CA 92101

Management Team

Community Manager
Hugo Munoz |

Manager Assistant
Mae Campbell |

Building Engineer
Eddie Arreguin | Onsite Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202