January 2018 Newsletter

Posted By on April 6, 2018


January 2018

January 2018 Board of Directors Meeting

The January 2018 Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Monday, January 22, 2018 in the gym at 6:00pm.

Spa Status

The Board and Management are working diligently on opening the spa back up. Recent requirements by the city are what is holding us up at this time and Management is working with them as fast as possible to resolve. Thank you for your patience.

Holiday Tree Disposal

The Association’s scheduled date to dispose of Christmas trees are Friday, January 5th and January 19th. Please have trees placed in the designated spot prior to this day to ensure pick-up.

The Winners Are…

The winners of the holiday door and balcony decorating contest are units 204, 305, 405 and 406! Congratulations and thanks to everyone who participated! Please contact Management to claim your prize.

Trash Chute & Recycling Etiquette

Please do not dispose of boxes of large items down the trash chute. Boxes and large items must be carried down to the trash room or recycle bin to be properly disposed of.  It has also been noted that boxes are not being flattened before disposing off in the recycle bin.  Please be courteous to your neighbors by flattening your boxes so more space is available. This will also prevent overflow and recyclables being thrown into regular trash.  Additionally, recyclables should not be left in front of Leone’s office or on top of the recycle bin to be broken down.  This is the individuals’ responsibility to break down – not the onsite staff or your neighbor!

Vivo Portal

Have you signed up for Vivo Portal at yet? Vivo is a great tool to track your statement, submit work-orders, and report non-compliances – in live time!  You can also update your information, such as email changes or mailing address.   This automatically updates in Management’s system without having to go through the middleman.  If you have not already registered, you will need your account number.  This can be located on your statement beginning with “8103.”  The website is www.vivoportal.com.

Emergency Situation Protocol

In any type of emergency situation, maintenance or life threatening, do NOT email – PLEASE CALL!  Action and Action After-Hours can be reached at 949-450-0202.  If you are experiencing a water intrusion and have called it in, DO NOT LEAVE your unit even if it is a slow back up. You may end up being responsible for damages due to negligence.  If there is anything that is life threatening, do not hesitate to call 9-1-1.

Rental Units

As a reminder, if you are renting your unit, you are required to submit the lease to management at kthomson@actionlife.com or to mplascencia@actionlife.com.  This allows us to update our communication system and get in contact with the appropriate parties in the event of an emergency.  As always, the CC&R’s require a minimum rental period of 30-days.  If you are found violating this, you may be subject to a hearing and fine.


655 Columbia Street/620 State Street
San Diego, CA 92101

Management Team

Community Manager
Hugo Munoz |hmunoz@actionlife.com

Manager Assistant
Mae Campbell | mcampbell@actionlife.com

Building Engineer
Eddie Arreguin | Onsite Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202