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June 2017 Newsletter
Posted By kthomson on June 30, 2017
June 2017 Board of Directors Meeting
The June 2017 Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Monday, June 26, 2017 in the gym at 6:00pm.
The Annual Meeting will be held on June 26, 2017 at 6:00pm in the gym. In order for the Association to make quorum please make sure you have turned in your ballot.
Break Down Boxes!
Please remember to that no cardboard is to be thrown down the trash chutes. Please take the time to break down the boxes and carry them to the trash room to dispose of.
Courtyard Construction
The Construction continues in the courtyards. Should you have any questions or concerns please email: myproject@admagellan.com and include [Columbia Place] in the subject line. A.D. Magellan will be happy to answer any questions or concerns in regards to the project.
Architectural Applications
As a reminder, an architectural application must be submitted and approved by the Board of Director’s prior to work being commenced inside of your unit. Applications and guidelines can be found on the VIVO Portal. As an Owner you are also responsible for your contractors. Please make them aware that they must keep the common area clean, dispose of all construction materials offsite and clean up any mess made in the common area after each day of work.
Red Cart Usage
As a continual reminder, the red carts are for all resident use. Once you have transported your items, you must return the cart to the garage level by the elevators. Additionally, if you are having work done on your unit, your contractor must also remember to return the carts once the transportation of goods is done. The carts cannot be kept at any unit for any reason. Please also remember to clean any spills or debris. Your neighbor will thank you!
Proper Use of Garbage Disposals
Columbia Place continues to experience kitchen sink back-ups. Use of a garbage disposal in a stacked unit situation is much different than a single story home. Please throw away your food into the garbage. By putting foods down the disposal (rice, pastas, eggshells, etc.) this increases the chance of a backup in your unit or one below you – resulting in costly damage paid by all owners via monthly assessments and can affect the following years budget.
Emergency Situation Protocol
In any type of emergency situation, maintenance or life threatening, do NOT email – PLEASE CALL! Action and Action After-Hours can be reached at 949-450-0202. If you are experiencing a water intrusion and have called it in, DO NOT LEAVE your unit even if it is a slow back up. You may end up being responsible for damages due to negligence. If there is anything that is life threatening, do not hesitate to call 9-1-1.
Clean & Safe – (619) 234-8900
Residents are encouraged to call Clean & Safe if they notice homeless loitering at Columbia Place. Clean & Safe will ask the homeless to leave and provide them locations of shelters. Additionally, if residents notice graffiti, broken glass, garbage on the sidewalks around the community on a day where Boiling Maintenance is not onsite, these things can also be reported to Clean & Safe. This is an initiative by the City of San Diego that all downtown residents pay for via property taxes, take advantage of this to keep the area “clean and safe!”